Current Courses


Advanced Control Systems - ECS654U/ECS778P. MSc/MEng/BEng (part III)

Lecturer/Module Organiser (approx. 40 students)
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University London

Notes Lecture Notes (This document complements the lectures for this module.)
Lecture Slides Course Introduction
Lecture 1 (State-Space Modelling)
Lecture 2 (Equilibriums and Trajectories of Continuous-Time Systems)
Lecture 3 (Trajectories of Discrete-Time Systems and Coordinate Transformations)
Lecture 4 (Lyapunov Stability)
Lecture 5 (Reachability and Controllability)
Lecture 6 (Reachability and Controllability: Canonical Form and PBH Reachability Test)
Lecture 7 (Observability and Reconstructability)
Tutorial Problems Tutorial Problems - Week 2
Tutorial Problems - Week 3
Tutorial Problems - Week 4
Tutorial Problems - Week 5
Tutorial Problems - Week 6
Tutorial Problems - Week 8
Tutorial Solutions Tutorial Solutions - Week 2
Tutorial Solutions - Week 3
Tutorial Solutions - Week 4
Tutorial Solutions - Week 5
Tutorial Solutions - Week 6
Tutorial Solutions - Week 8

Past Courses

2022 - 2020

Signals and Systems – ELEC50013. MEng/BEng (part II)

Course development, recitations, exam creation and marking (approx. 150 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London

Handouts S&S Handout (This document is the handout for the S&S laboratory coursework)
2021-2022 S&S Coursework (This Git Repository contains the S&S laboratory coursework)
Class Quizzes Module 1 Class Quiz
Module 2 Class Quiz
Module 3 Class Quiz
Module 4 Class Quiz
Module 4 & 5 Class Quiz
Module 5 & 6 Class Quiz
Module 6 & 7 Class Quiz

2022 - 2020

Introduction to MATLAB. MEng/BEng (part II)

Course development and recitations (approx. 150 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London

2020 - 2018

Engineering Design and Practice – EE1-13. MEng/BEng (part I)

Interviews and marking (approx. 50 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London

2020 - 2018

DTF & Linear Signal Processing – EE2-LABE. MEng/BEng (part II)

Assist with laboratory sessions and marking (approx. 80 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London

Handouts DFT Handout (This document is the handout for the DFT experiment)

2020 - 2017

Digital Signal Processing – EE3-07. MEng/BEng (part III)

Recitations and exam marking (approx. 60 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London

Class Quizzes Module 1 Class Quiz
Module 2 Class Quiz
Module 3 Class Quiz
Module 4 Class Quiz
Module 5 Class Quiz
Revision Class Quiz
Notes DSP Notes (This document complements the class tutorials.)
Exam Corrections (This document contains all the known corrections to the EE3-07 past papers.)
Answer Booklet (This document contains all the answers to the ‘Self-Assessment Quizzes’ and ‘Exam Questions’ given in the lecture slides.)


Algorithms and Complexity – EE2-10C. MEng/BEng (part II)

Exam marking (approx. 150 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London

2018 - 2017

Real-Time Digital Signal Processing – EE3-19. MEng/BEng (part III)

Assist with laboratory sessions and marking (approx. 80 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London


Introduction to Assessment and Feedback for Learning

Co-taught one session (approx. 20 students)
Graduate School, Imperial College London


Introduction to Learning and Teaching

Co-taught one session (approx. 20 students)
Graduate School, Imperial College London