2024 Advanced Control Systems - ECS654U/ECS778P. MSc/MEng/BEng (part III)
Lecturer/Module Organiser (approx. 40 students)
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University London
NotesLecture Notes (This document complements the lectures for this module.)Lecture SlidesCourse IntroductionLecture 1 (State-Space Modelling) Lecture 2 (Equilibriums and Trajectories of Continuous-Time Systems) Lecture 3 (Trajectories of Discrete-Time Systems and Coordinate Transformations) Lecture 4 (Lyapunov Stability) Lecture 5 (Reachability and Controllability) Lecture 6 (Reachability and Controllability: Canonical Form and PBH Reachability Test) Lecture 7 (Observability and Reconstructability) |
2022 - 2020 Signals and Systems – ELEC50013. MEng/BEng (part II)
Course development, recitations, exam creation and marking (approx. 150 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London
HandoutsS&S Handout (This document is the handout for the S&S laboratory coursework)2021-2022 S&S Coursework (This Git Repository contains the S&S laboratory coursework) |
2022 - 2020 Introduction to MATLAB. MEng/BEng (part II)
Course development and recitations (approx. 150 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London
2020 - 2018 Engineering Design and Practice – EE1-13. MEng/BEng (part I)
Interviews and marking (approx. 50 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London
2020 - 2018 DTF & Linear Signal Processing – EE2-LABE. MEng/BEng (part II)
Assist with laboratory sessions and marking (approx. 80 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London
HandoutsDFT Handout (This document is the handout for the DFT experiment) |
2020 - 2017 Digital Signal Processing – EE3-07. MEng/BEng (part III)
Recitations and exam marking (approx. 60 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London
Class QuizzesModule 1 Class QuizModule 2 Class Quiz Module 3 Class Quiz Module 4 Class Quiz Module 5 Class Quiz Revision Class Quiz NotesDSP Notes (This document complements the class tutorials.)Exam Corrections (This document contains all the known corrections to the EE3-07 past papers.) Answer Booklet (This document contains all the answers to the ‘Self-Assessment Quizzes’ and ‘Exam Questions’ given in the lecture slides.) |
2020 Algorithms and Complexity – EE2-10C. MEng/BEng (part II)
Exam marking (approx. 150 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London
2018 - 2017 Real-Time Digital Signal Processing – EE3-19. MEng/BEng (part III)
Assist with laboratory sessions and marking (approx. 80 students)
EEE Department, Imperial College London
2018 Introduction to Assessment and Feedback for Learning
Co-taught one session (approx. 20 students)
Graduate School, Imperial College London
2018 Introduction to Learning and Teaching
Co-taught one session (approx. 20 students)
Graduate School, Imperial College London